Who We Are?

Clement Martial Arts (CMA) specializes in providing “family orientated” self-defense kickboxing+ classes, tailored for two distinct age groups: children aged 7 to 12 years and teenagers 13 to 17 years, additionally CMA offers introductory self-defense kick boxing classes for adults, all our classes are meticulously designed to slowly build an adequate full body structure, via stretching, solidifying the core and trunk area, strengthening and conditioning in order to establishing a stability and balance within the body which our students can apply to their self defence journey, but also apply to any other sport or exercise venture’s outside our classes.
We eventually equip our students with fundamental self-protection techniques, controlled offensive maneuvers, and restraint skills, empowering them to thwart instances of bullying, physical attacks, or assaults.

Our Mission

At CMA our classes go beyond imparting mere physical self-defense skills. We prioritize cultivating a robust and well-rounded self-esteem in our students, a trait essential for personal safety. Furthermore our focus extends to fostering self-confidence and self-discipline. We firmly believe that the foundation for shielding children from potential dangers rests on bolstering their self-esteem. By eradicating insecurities, children become less susceptible to threats. The process of nurturing genuine self-esteem in children and adults alike is an intricate art, and at Clement Martial Arts, it’s our specialty – an approach that begins from within and radiates outward.

Our classes are structured to prioritize safety, creating an environment that is both enjoyable and conducive to learning, Our paramount goal is to instill not only the skills to defend oneself effectively but to also nurture the inner strength and self-assuredness that form the core of a person’s character. At Clement Martial Arts we pride ourselves on our ability to achieve this delicate balance, making the development of self esteem an integral aspect of our expertise. Safety remains paramount in all our classes. Our structured lessons not only prioritize learning but also create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for all our students. A Basic Starter Kit is essential to begin your journey. It includes fundamental items such as a 12 ounce Boxing Gloves, Shin Guards, mouth gaurd(optional).
During the initial 2-3 week period, the basic kit may not be mandatory, but it becomes a requirement thereafter. This kit is essential to advance in the practical self-defense training offered by CMA.


The foundation of our teaching philosophy finds its roots in values such as Honor, Trust, Respect, Responsibility, and the intrinsic loyalty one cultivates within themselves through disciplined practice. These principles are enveloped in Aroha (Love), and we extend our embrace to encompass all ethnicities, cultures, castes, and creeds. Within our space, we cultivate an atmosphere of inclusivity, where individuals of varying ages and skill levels are nurtured to not only excel but also to explore the depths of their potential. Whether you’re taking your initial steps as a neophyte on this path or you’re a seasoned practitioner striving to perfect your techniques, my aspiration is to be your guide along this distinctive journey, aiding you in reaching unparalleled summits.


At the core of martial arts resides its profound potential to catalyze positive life transformations. In my role as a martial arts instructor, my purpose is to bestow empowerment upon individuals through this time-honored practice. I firmly hold the belief that martial arts transcends mere self-defense or rivalry; it constitutes a voyage of self-revelation, individual maturation, and the cultivation of a harmoniously grounded self-assurance and unwavering poise.


Martial arts encompasses dimensions well beyond the confines of the physical. It manifests as a way of existence—an all-encompassing lifestyle that champions cognitive lucidity, emotional equilibrium, and spiritual concord. Beyond the training arena, I wholeheartedly adopt rituals such as meditation and immersing myself in nature, fostering a comprehensive orientation towards life. This commitment ensures that the teachings gleaned from martial arts infuse every facet of my existence.



With over 30 years of experience in Martial Arts and Security, I specialize in Thai Boxing, Boxing and Grappling. I operated “Wisdom Doorstaff NZ Ltd,” a leading security company in Downtown Auckland, for 10 years, endorsed by Senior Sergeant John Potts. My team secured 14 nightclubs and numerous bars across Auckland and beyond.

I started my Thai Boxing journey at Marsters Freestyle Gym in 1990, training alongside Roger (Wild) Earp and Mark (Super Samoan) Hunt. Though I had 16 amateur fights, my focus remained on my security business.

From 2007 to 2017, I lived in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, where I founded the Titikaveka Gym. I trained people in resistance training, full-body circuits, and self-defence there. The gym, now the largest in Rarotonga, continues to operate, promoting self-defence through Muay Thai Boxing.

I teach self-defence kickboxing to children, teens, and adults at the Kumeu Gym. My program, Clement Martial Arts, fosters self-esteem, confidence, and discipline, helping students of all ages thrive.


Our voyage commenced within the confines of Marsters Freestyle Gym, nestled at the heart of Downtown Auckland on Fort and Gore St back in 1990. This establishment was among the pioneering Muay Thai Kick Boxing Gyms in Auckland, actively engaging in battles throughout New Zealand and influencing the prominent fight nights and events of its era.
A rich amalgamation of diverse martial arts styles cultivated over three decades of practice has shaped our philosophy. While retaining the core tenets of self-defense, our focus transcends the realm of competition. We emphasize empowering ordinary individuals who seek refuge within martial arts for protection, discipline, and personal growth. In the face of potential confrontations, we equip our students to harness their inner strength without resorting to violence.
Clement Martial Arts stands as a beacon of practical self-defense education. Our mission is to instill genuine self-confidence among people from all walks of life—children, teenagers, and adults alike. By fostering a sense of security and nurturing true self-esteem, we go beyond teaching mere techniques.


Clement Martial Arts stands as a tribute to the memory of Clement Julius Manuel, a life tragically extinguished at the tender age of 28 on 10/08/2020, inspiring our namesake.
The name “Clement,” resonating with the essence of mercy and tranquility before the storm, encapsulates the ethos of our establishment. In honor of Clement Julius Manuel, we persevere in our commitment to imparting knowledge and fostering personal growth through martial arts.